MPO/MTP Adapter

Fast and accurate MPO/MTP® cabling and component testing with WireXpert certifier    


  • Features
  • Specifications
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  • MPO/MTP testing with WireXpert WX4500-FA cable certifier
  • MPO Autotest in less than 5 seconds
  • Reporting is integrated in eXport software together with standard single fiber and copper test results
  • Testing MPO-to-SC/LC links for end-to-end loss measurement on individual fibers
  • Testing connectivity from MPO to individual fibers
  • Allows configuring number of active fibers in MPO, making it possible to test i.e. custom links, including 8-fiber links
  • Automatically identifies connection type as type A, B, C or customized
  • Allows reference settings with any connection type
  • Displays absolute power level and loss on each fiber



General specifications


5 seconds
Test parameters

Loss per channel in graphical and tabular format type of link (A,B,C, or custom),
PASS/FAIL against standard / user set limit

MPO link configurations

All 12 fibers or user selected fibers

Test Configurations

MPO-SC/LC (requires multimode fiber adapter WX_AD_MM on local unit)

MPO Source adapter

Fiber/connector type
Multimode MPO (type A, pinned)
830nm - 860nm
Measurement requirements
The measurements are taken using a 50µm multimode fibers in accordance with the TIA/EIA-455-203 (FOTP-203) standard test requirement.

MPO Power Meter Adapter

MPO Power Meter adapter
Fiber/connector type multimode MPO (Type A pinned)
Input optical power level at saturation
Loss measurement dynamic range
0-15 dB
Loss measurement accuracy
+- 0.2dB
